Dream Kid Cody is 6 years old. He was first diagnosed with B-Cell ALL (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) in August of 2020. Cody and his family were living in Brandon, but moved back to Winnipeg to be closer to family. He was very reactive to his chemo treatments, and faced many setbacks throughout his treatment.

He was very reactive to his chemo treatments, and faced many setbacks throughout his treatment.
Cody has been so brave during all his appointments. He doesn’t like the needles but he loves all the nurses and doctors at Cancer Care for helping him to feel better.
Cody’s Dream is to have his very own Arcade Game Room in his basement, complete with an air hockey table, basketball, and skee-ball game!
He’s also thinking of starting a doggy daycare to help look after people’s dogs when they have to go to the hospital and have no one to play with their dogs.
The family has 3 dogs, a cat, and were fostering a momma dog that had ten puppies! One of these was too cute and the family had to keep one of the puppies!
With Support from Princess Auto, Cody’s Dream Arcade Is Now a Reality!
The Dream Factory teamed up with Zoe Henry Designs and Paragon Living to bring Cody’s vision for a Dream Arcade Game Room to life! When Cody came downstairs and first set eyes on his new basement digs, he and his brother were so excited - they jumped right to the air hockey table for a spirited matchup!